rojo book launch


GRAPHIC DESIGN ROJO® has just released 12 monographic books of ®edicions by Bruno 9li, Friends with You, Hombre Lopez, Catalina Estrada, Fupete, {THS}, Shoboshobo, Chet Purtilar, Sergei Sviatchenko, Jon Burgerman, Sixeart and Monica Canilao, as part of the official program of (con)Temporary-Art in Zona Tortona e Dintorni! For those of you in Italy, they will be holding a launch party at ®artspace Milano.

jackson pollock


www.jacksonpollock.orgwww.jacksonpollock.comPollock film

ART Jackson Pollock is best known for his rhythmic drip paintings. This website allows you to play around and create your own digital version of a Pollock masterpiece. It’s interesting to see what abstract shapes are created, however, I still prefer getting down and dirty with the actual paint. Art is all about that hands-on experience with the medium.
“The painting has a life of its own. I try to let it come through.” -Jackson Pollock

wataru komachi


Art Wataru Komachi is a Tokyo based artist who just finished his ‘Fuck Forever’ exhibition at the Calm & Punk gallery. Through his use of collage he attempts to re-grasp the idea of simple artistic expression while at the same time illustrating the theme of a chaotic world. I wish I had found out about this exhibit earlier! Something about neon typography fascinates me.