GRAPHIC DESIGN A collection of solid work.
G Studio
Audria Brumberg
GRAPHIC DESIGN Audria Brumberg, a New York based creative contacted to let us know about her work. Take some time and check it out. There’s some nice stuff.
G studio
GRAPHIC DESIGN G studio as a pretty awesome collection of work. the website was loading a little slow for me, so you’ll have to be a little patient.
Christophe Barneau
Macon York
Andrew Kolb
GOLD STAR Ah! Cutest project. Ever noticed that the world likes to pair a short, somewhat rotund character with a more slender, taller character? Andrew documents this recurring trend in an ongoing series of wooden figures. Check more out here.
Jerome Corgier
FINDINGS Jerome contacted to let us know about one if his neat projects. Featured here is his experimental typography work, a collection of hybrid letters that mixes Arab and Latin alphabets.
Linda Coutler
ILLUSTRATION Check out this blog by Linda Coutler where she draws weekly “critters”. Really cute characters.