RANDOM THOUGHTS This is a great concept to help improve rider safety throughout the city. Thought up by designers at Altitude, Inc., the system projects a virtual bike lane on the ground around the cyclists, providing drivers with a recognizable boundary they can easily avoid. This allows riders to take safety into their own hands. I hope they push this idea and make it real!
Category: Random Thoughts
Fail Whale
RANDOM THOUGHTS I don’t know much about Twitter but I just learned about this fail whale image. Apparently, this image shows up during periods of downtime on Twitter and it has a HUGE fan base. People have made cakes, sculptures, and ascii illustrations of the whale. Someone even tattooed the image to their wrist!! What makes something become so popular?
RANDOM THOUGHTS Don’t you think wrapping paper is such a waste of material? But yet there is still something so special about not knowing what’s hidden behind the wrapping paper. There is that sense of surprise that makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Represent is challenging the design community to develop fresh and eco-friendly solutions to the problem, by designing sustainable and totally tape-free ways to wrap a Christmas gift. Here are the top 20 best solutions.
RANDOM THOUGHTS McDonalds has a whole new look! I wonder how a new package will increase sales. Because since a customer only receives the sandwich after they’ve purchased it, the packaging design really plays no role in the decision making process. But I guess it does play a role in McDs overall goal of a new, healthy, transparent, brand. Next time you go to McDs, also take a close look at their newly designed menu. They styled their food like high end culinary cuisine. Interesting.
Urban Outfitters and type
RANDOM THOUGHTS I received an email today from Urban Outfitters and was rather surprised by their type treatment. They’ve really caught on to the graphic design scene.
Quake quiz
RANDOM Check out this website and learn about earthquake safety. For those of you in SF, don’t forget tomorrow is Shake Up SF, citywide earthquake drill.
unnecessary knowledge
RANDOM THOUGHTS If you ever want to waste some time and gain some unnecessary knowledge, visit here. You might just find some awesome conversation starters.