GRAPHIC DESIGN Check out the strong portfolio of this young rising star. He’s only 21 years old and has worked with Michael Beirut, published a book, and started a non-profit organization. Makes me want to work harder!
Category: Graphic Design
Paper cut
GRAPHIC DESIGN Here are some pretty rockin’ designs by two French designers, Minh Anh Vo & Victor Schuft.
Kokoro & Moi
GRAPHIC DESIGN I’ve been a huge fan of Kokoro & Moi and I’m super excited to see that they have a new website up.
hello jello
GRAPHIC DESIGN Jello has a new campaign with a new logo and of course Mr. Crosby will be working as executive producer for the commercials. Also check out a student project jello redesign here by my friend, Richard Perez.
Stern Grove Festival Poster
GRAPHIC DESIGN Lovely new poster by the talented people at Mine and illustrated by Yulia Brodskya.
We are public
GRAPHIC DESIGN I find the design coming out of We Are Public really creative and forward thinking. My favorite project from them is a set of flags that express more accurately the natures of the world’s up-and-coming superpowers: Russia’s stranglehold on oil and gas lines; Israel’s defense capabilities; Japan’s ever-expanding workforce; China’s peerless manufacturing ability; and India’s industrial strength.
GRAPHIC DESIGN My apologies for not being able to have new posts everyday. I’ve been SUPER busy trying to finish up with my final thesis project. If you guys have time, check out my blog. It documents my thoughts, ideas, and process. Any feedback would be great!
Ryan Cole
GRAPHIC DESIGN This is a fun project designed by Ryan Cole for Impakt, a yearly festival that always has a different theme. Last year the theme was “society 2.0” and the concept takes the idea of the avatar, or online persona, and turns it into a mask which they placed into real photographic situations.
Rodrigo Corral Design
GRAPHIC DESIGN Rodrigo Corral Design is a talented firm based in New York. Their creative editorial design is really a breathe of fresh air.