FINDINGS I just found out right now that my all time favorite designer/artist Tobias Wong has passed away at the young age of 35. He has been a huge source of inspiration and I’m super sad to find out this news. He will be missed.
Category: Findings
Clients from hell
Olympus EP-1
Tiny little chairs
Nodus rugs
FINDINGS Nodus is an Italian company that creates rugs with old techniques but with modern sensibilities. They’ve got a selection of some really interesting rugs.
The local paper
FINDINGS The Local Paper Shop offers some really elegant specialty paper collections based on unique themes.
Polaroids are back
FINDINGS Check out the rebirth of polaroids!! Order yours today at Project Impossible.
Mannequin gallery
FINDINGS I was watching HGTV the other day and someone mentioned the Mannequin Gallery located in Pacoima, California. If you’ve ever wondered who the heck creates all those mannequins in store windows, movie sets, and fashion shoots, then you should take a look at their extensive portfolio. It’s a pretty interested field.
Chair socks
FINDINGS How fun are these chair socks! Maybe I’ll try and make some of my own.
Presidential Easter Eggs
FINDINGS How awesome would it be to design these eggs for the White House’s annual Easter Egg Roll. This year’s eggs come in purple, pink, green, yellow, and is designed to be environmentally friendly. Thanks to Heather for sending me the link!