I heart books



BOOKS I was thrilled this morning to receive a large package of books from Princeton Architectural Press this morning. Indie Publishing and Typeface: Classic Typography for Contemporary Design are great books for students new to Graphic Design. The Handy Book of Artistic Printing is a collection of beautiful letterpress examples of type and ornamentation. I recommend that book to those who adore ephemera. And last but not least, I recommend There’s Nothing Funny About Design to anyone who considered themselves as a creative. I’m a sucker for visuals and rarely have time to sit down and read a book. I’m currently half way through this book and I really encourage designers to read about design instead of always looking at pretty pictures.

Cantor art center



ART Just took a trip to Stanford’s Cantor Art Center for the very first time. They have a pretty nice collection of art throughout history…from Goya to Lichtenstein. I found the Experimental Music Series by Mark Applebaum most intriguing. The graphic art with evocative glyphs and densely arranged pictographs were pretty inspirational. It would be awesome if he and Marian Bantjes did something together.