RANDOM THOUGHTS I had lunch the other day and came across this Vietnamese restaurant, iPho. Thought it was kinda funny. Who would of known you could develop a brand around technology and Pho.
Month: May 2009
Rj Shaugnessy
BOOKS I came across this book while surfing on the web and was so sad to see the huge typo on the cover.
London Associates
PRODUCT DESIGN The peeps at London Associates have created a product for Amidexx that alters the way people have traditionally used their hands for working. It is stated that the product improves performance, reduces fatigue and protects hands for a variety of everyday work related tasks.
Tom Sachs
ART Is it just me or does Tom Sachs [left] look a lot like David Eigenberg [right] of Sex in the City?
Library of congress
GRAPHIC DESIGN The Library of Congress has a pretty nice collection of vintage posters. This type treatment stood out to me the most because it feels so current yet was designed in the 1930s. It’s as if the peeps at Non-Format went back in time to collaborate with Dorothy Waugh.
Eriko Yamada
ART Eriko Yamada is a very talented illustrator who has been working on a set of silkscreen prints based on Japanese mythology. We took a silkscreen class together and I must say she is extremely detailed and patient. Each print consists of probably 50 runs!
Plush labbit
FINDINGS I just had to get this plush by Kid Robot when I was shopping at Urban Outfitters. Every time I look at it I just crack up. I mean come on…who doesn’t love a bunny with a moustache.
Peter Arnell
DESIGN NEWS I just read an article about Peter Arnell, the person behind Pepsi and Tropicana’s rebranding in this month’s I.D. magazine. Even though these rebranding projects weren’t very successful, I give him props for being able to withstand all the criticism and hate towards his work. I have no idea how I’d be able to handle it if I were in his shoes.