Black panda


Black Panda

EVENTS I just came across this Black Panda group while checking out the amazing works of Jennifer Lew. Black Panda represents Asians in the field of creative art and design. They were out representing Asian artists in 2007 at the Dietch Art Parade. The parade was canceled in 2008 because of severe storms and will hopefully return in spring. Can’t wait to see what these Pandas have up their sleeves.

Goodbye Cahan


DESIGN NEWS Seems like I’ve been posting about so many farewells this week. So after many years, the brilliant design firm of Cahan and Associates has decided to close their doors. I had the opportunity to go in to their storage room to rummage through their archives to take various printed pieces they’ve done throughout the years. It felt kind of weird taking their stuff and it was pretty ironic to find this moving postcard laying around.